Managing Your Subscription

How to cancel or change your Courtyard subscription

Viewing Your Subscription

To view your subscription details, including your monthly subscription fee, subscription level, and feature set, go to the Subscription page under Settings.

Canceling Your Subscription

If you decide to cancel your Courtyard subscription, go to the Subscription page, and click the Cancel Subscription button. If you cancel before your trial period is up, you will not be charged. Your subscription will remain active until the last month you paid for is complete.

Changing Your Subscription

If you need to change your subscription level, or if you need to move your subscription to a different account, you need to contact us. Basically, we will have you cancel your existing subscription, and then create a new one. Your directory data will remain intact.


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. I started to sign up for Courtyard, but did not complete the subscription process. What should I do?
  2. Can I pay yearly rather than monthly?
  3. What happens if I outgrow my subscription?
  4. What should I do if my subscription was canceled accidentally?

I started to sign up for Courtyard, but did not complete the subscription process. What should I do?

If you email us, and include the name of your church, we will send you a link you can use to complete your subscription.

Can I pay yearly rather than monthly?

We are unable to offer yearly subscription payment through our website at this time. If you would like to discuss alternative payment methods, please contact us.

What happens if I outgrow my subscription?

We will contact you if you go over your family limit. Depending on your situation, we may ask you to go up to the next subscription level, or we may just let you stretch the limit a bit. We don't want you to have to upgrade one month, and then downgrade the next.

What should I do if my subscription was canceled accidentally?

Let us know, and we will help you get it reinstated in short order.

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